Digitalisation of the Vine: better work control and respect for the environment

At Alta Alella, we continue our commitment to adopt digital technologies in the vineyard, which simplify our day-to-day work and help us being more efficient, minimizing our environmental impact and reducing costs.
During the last year, Alta Alella’s technical team has incorporated the use of Auravant software for agriculture, which allows us to carry out Precision Agriculture. Specifically, this tool interprets nanosatellite images and translates them into simple and intuitive data, dividing vines according to vigor zones and plant water status. This enables us to know the status of each of our vineyards at any time and from anywhere, using a mobile device, without the need to visit each vineyard on a daily basis. Furthermore, it gives us considerable detailed information, which contributes to decision-making and permits us to act in a much more precise and selective way, even on different vines within the same vineyard. This makes it easier for us to manage our resources and use only those that are minimally necessary for cultivation. For example, we can use fertilizers in a more flexible way, apply plant protection products permitted in organic farming according to the sensitivity of the area, and save water, thanks to the fact that we can quantify the water status of the plant and therefore evaluate the irrigation need. Also, during ripening, it enables us to classify the zones within each vineyard and to harvest the grapes according to their state, thus obtaining a product with a high quality and a low environmental impact.
In addition to this news, it has been four years since Alta Alella began working with Agroptima, an application that provides us with greater traceability of the tasks carried out in the field and allows us to have a more rigorous control. By using this tool, we can record and consult all the tasks executed in the vineyard from anywhere in a quick and easy way, reducing the margin of error that can result from manual data entry. This way, we also have all the information updated instantly and we can extract profitability reports that help us being more efficient and reducing costs.